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Carboxytherapy ----Benefits of CO2 in aesthetic treatments   

                                                                                                            by Myriam Yebenes -
Carboxytherapy is one of the best facial and body aesthetic medicine techniques which achieves spectacular beauty results, reducing safely and effectively problems such as cellulite, orange peel skin, localized fat, fluid retention, stretch marks, sagging, and lack of elasticity and helps to restore a youthful look. In the next video, I’ll be telling you more about this technique.
It involves the application of completely natural micro-subcutaneous injections of a gaseous drug; CO2. One of the reasons why this technique is so powerful is because we are using a product that the body recognizes as something natural as it is already within us. When we inhale O2; our body assimilates and transforms it and on exhaling, we expel CO2.
This technique originated in France in 1624, when doctors used carbonated water baths to treat inflammation of specific areas. Seeing the results that were achieved and how it improved the skin, 1777 saw the beginnings of the first medical research with CO2.  In 1932 the first subcutaneous injections were administered to people with circulation problems and they saw for themselves how the skin was improved in many aspects. In the 50s, the Royal Cardiovascular Research Institute opened in France. Although this technique had been used in medicine for some 400 years, the term “Carboxytherapy” was actually coined in Rome in 1995. Currently, laparoscopic surgery is also used to treat specific areas.
I’m going to focus on telling you about how this technique is used in the body and also facial treatments (chin, scars, dark circles, eye bags, wrinkles …) and lips, as I already mentioned in this post.
One of the things that I like the most, is that during the same session, it is possible to improve all body issues that worry us such as cellulite, sagging skin, and stretch marks.
The micro-injections are performed using a very thin needle through which the gas travels from a hose from a specific device that regulates the gas speed and flows, the dose administered, and injection time.
Accumulated fat and cellulite in the stomach area and on love handles are some of the problems that worry us. Orange-peel skin takes on a bumpy unsightly appearance which is produced, among other things, by the accumulation of fat in subcutaneous tissue. These fat packets press against the skin and that is what gives cellulite its characteristic appearance. In this case, carboxytherapy works at a deeper level to achieve a double effect by controlling both the flow and pressure.
– On the one hand, the CO2 pressure impacts adipocytes making fat dissolve more easily. When the gas enters the skin with a lot of pressure, it breaks through the membranes and removes their contents, i.e. it mobilizes fat and reduces cellulite and orange peel skin.
– On the other,  the flow produces arterial vasodilation which improves circulation, and the oxygenation of cells, and removes all toxins from the skin.
After the session, you’ll notice increased skin hydration. Skin will produce more collagen and improved texture and elasticity of the dermis and of course, less cellulite. This method is also very effective for women who are recovering from pregnancy, as it helps to eliminate abdominal fat, and restore tone and elasticity.
Fluid retention is another problem that can be alleviated and improved with this technique. With small infiltrations, the entire lymphatic system is treated from the ankles upwards. Micro-injections produce vasodilation, which improves blood flow and improves cell oxygenation. With more oxygen, blood flows better and fewer fluids are retained, so any leg swelling and heaviness are reduced.
The buttocks area is one of the areas where the best results are achieved as here we find stretch marks, fat or cellulite, and sagging skin. Stretch marks are treated individually by injecting CO2. Stretch marks are torn tissues, blood does not reach there and that is the reason for how they look. On injecting CO2, little by little oxygen and nutrients arrive to stretch mark areas, repairing them, and making them less visible. If you have cellulite, it is treated using the same procedure as used on the legs. In the event you have sagging skin, spectacular results are achieved in the buttocks area raising it by several cm, making it a perfect technique to perform throughout the year and especially as summer approaches.
In the arms, carboxytherapy acts by tightening the skin, rejuvenating it but also reducing centimeters.
Sometimes during the session, it will be normal to feel a little stinging in the area being treated and some redness may appear that will disappear within hours. Don’t worry, although it is important to let the specialist know how you feel at all times so he/she can adjust the gas flow pressure.
As this is a natural and minimally invasive technique, 1 to 2 sessions can be performed a week and these can be combined with any beauty and aesthetic medicine technique using other devices such as peelings, radio frequency… The number of sessions will depend on individual needs,  the areas to be treated and the patient’s characteristics.  Usually, treatments require 5 to 10 sessions.
To enhance the effects of the treatment and achieve long-lasting results it is recommended to:
– Drink plenty of water to help eliminate toxins and fats that we have mobilized with CO2.
– Exercise or go for long walks.
– Follow healthy eating guidelines that include a diet rich in diuretic vegetables, lean meats, and fish.


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