• Permanent Hair Removal - What is I.P.L

           Hair Removal with I.P.L o (Intense Pulsed Light)

        Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a kind of high-intensity source of broadband coherent light these properties allow IPL to have wide application for ablative resurfacing therapy, which is based on the theory of selective absorption of human skin tissue and photo thermolysis light sources.

        Meanwhile, IPL photorejuvenation technology is more efficient and offers patients less downtime than conventional therapies for aged and photodamaged skin.


    IPL uses special filters that block unwanted wavelengths. The filters can be changed to “cut off” the shorter wavelengths.

        The appropriate filter will depend on the depth of the intended target IPL systems work on the same principles as lasers in that light energy is absorbed into particular target cells with color (chromophores) in the skin having the wavelength range of 500 nm- at 1200 nm.

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    The light energy is converted to heat energy, which causes a specific result to the target area.

        IPL systems are different from lasers in that they deliver many wavelengths (or colors) in each pulse of light instead of just one wavelength. Most IPL systems use filters to refine the energy output for the treatment of certain areas. This enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels and enables the targeting of specific chromophores (these are skin components that absorb light).

        IPL therapy is considered a non-ablative resurfacing technique, which means that it targets the lower layers of skin (dermis) without affecting the top layers of skin (epidermis).


        The advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime – a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterward.

        With the IPL equipment, you can perform treatments from acne, pigment therapy (dark spots), varicose veins, hair removal, wrinkle treatments, skin photorejuvenation, and skin tightening. WHAT is Intense Pulsed Light or IPL? Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) is a kind of high-intensity source of broadband coherent light These properties allow IPL to have wide application for ablative resurfacing therapy, which is based on the theory of selective absorption of human skin tissue and photo thermolysis light sources. Meanwhile, IPL photorejuvenation technology is more efficient and offers patients less downtime than conventional therapies for aged and photodamaged skin.


    IPL SHR offer

        IPL uses special filters that block unwanted wavelengths. The filters can be changed to “cut off” the shorter wavelengths.

        The appropriate filter will depend on the depth of the intended target

                                                          colors ipl.png

         IPL systems work on the same principles as lasers in that light energy is absorbed into particular target cells with color (chromophores) in the skin having the wavelength range of 500 nm- at 1200 nm.

        The light energy is converted to heat energy, which causes a specific result to the target area. IPL systems are different from lasers in that they deliver many wavelengths (or colors) in each pulse of light instead of just one wavelength.

        Most IPL systems use filters to refine the energy output for the treatment of certain areas. This enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels and enables the targeting of specific chromophores (these are skin components that absorb light).

        IPL therapy is considered a non-ablative resurfacing technique, which means that it targets the lower layers of skin (dermis) without affecting the top layers of skin (epidermis).

        The advantage of IPL therapy is its minimal downtime – a patient can often have the procedure done in their lunch break and return to work immediately afterward.


                      With the IPL equipment, you can perform treatments from:


        Pigment therapy (dark spots),

        Varicose veins,

        Hair removal,

        Wrinkle treatments,

        Skin photorejuvenation, and

        Skin tightening.

        Hair removal may be used for hair in any location including underarms, bikini line, face, neck, back, chest, and legs.

       For the treatment of unwanted hair. Light pulses targeted at the hair follicle causing the hair to fall out and prevent further growth. Generally ineffective for light-colored hair.

        Pigment therapy, photo rejuvenation: The treatment itself works much like a laser, but instead of having just one wavelength of light, the machine produces a spectrum of light made up of a range of wavelengths.

        By selecting an appropriate filter, the trained skincare professional selects the wavelength range to target the damaged area caused by skin aging and sun exposure.

        Some fine lines, superficial wrinkles, and texture of the skin may be addressed

    More information:





  • About Us

    At BlasonOnline, you will find everything for SPA SALON Equipment. 
    Are you renovating or opening a Spa? Or do you wish to update your business? At prices 4less. We are located in Miami, Florida.

    We Export-Import to North, Central, South America, and The Caribbean

    Looking for special products for SPA? Look no further, Call us and receive the proper information.

    Do not stay behind.
    The world of aesthetics, both facial and body, advances and changes day by day, as does technology in general. Aesthetic procedures and equipment have improved rapidly in recent years, due to the great demand and desire of human beings to improve their health and appearance in general.
    Blason Spa Equipment is up to date with the latest equipment and technologies to help #Esthetician perform at the top of its capabilities, providing help, training, parts, and technical service.

    We carry an extensive line of SPA equipment, furniture, products, etc.

    Aesthetic Equipment copy

    Here at Blason Spa Equipment, we are determined to constantly search for the latest equipment with the latest technology in terms of aesthetic care both at the facial and body level, trying at the same time to provide competitive prices and assistance, with the idea in mind that the esthetician achieves the success we all want!

  • Call or visit

    Buying Spa equipment for your workplace is not an easy task.
    Especially when it comes to seeking the most suitable for the type of clients that you're looking for and the type of services that you think offer.
    The most important thing about buying Equipment for your area of Aesthetics is to help you be efficient both in results and in the time spent with each client, as far as you can increase your Appointments and also increase your income... without lowering the quality of your service, but using the right tools and equipment to help you streamline your work.
    Here at BlasonSpaEquipment, we will help in that process.
    Visiting our showroom at Hialeah you can see, try and get an idea of what the market offers and how to use it to improve, renovate, or expand your services.
    Buy with peace of mind and knowing that we will provide warranty and service on the products you purchase.

        You do not have to spend a fortune on your SpaEquipment or wait weeks to arrive, you do not have to fight with vendors, returns, timeout, or receive what you did not expect.
    Blason Spa Equipment will help you choose (with the customer in mind and the best prices), what you're looking for, allowing you to see, try, and check what you are buying.
    Service, warranty, and training.
    Blason Spa Equipment 
    3110 W 84th St Unit 4,
    Hialeah Florida 33018
     Phone: (786) 331-89-33  /  (786) 331-7457  /  (786) 255-4569
  • Call us

  • Tips

    Achieve your goals. Expand or improve an Aesthetic area for your Beauty Salon.


    What are you waiting for to start earning money?

    Your success depends on your relationships with your existing clients.

    Why don’t you offer them a menu of new services and treatments?

    Every man or woman of any age likes looking and feeling better about their body. Helping your clients invest their money in their own person, and giving them security and self-confidence, is key to your success.

    Set up a small area with good light, soft music, relaxing colors, one massage bed, and a few machines and begin offering  Facials, MicrodermabrasionPressotherapy, Massages, Ultrasound, Peeling Anti-aging, Hair removal treatments, Weight loss Treatments, Anti-cellulite Passive exercise , etc.

    This will increase your profit and make your clients happier. Do not let them walk out the door and go to a different place. 

    At this time the range of options, techniques, and treatments is extensive.  You and your clients will be fascinated with your winnings. Do your homework about the treatments and the machines you will need to offer them. Always begin with the basic ones.

    All the money you spend on buying the right spa equipment will be quickly recovered after a few clients and a few sessions. Organize your packages of treatments according to your client’s interests.  You will have to quickly organize a work schedule, as this cosmetic area has a lot of demand right now.

    The esthetician can help by discovering the client’s needs and making both service and retail recommendations. Retail is a largely missed opportunity and can make a major impact on your staff members on how to maximize the number of treatments or upgrade opportunities.


    Here at Blason Spa Equipment, we have everything you’ll need to begin developing or expanding your Aesthetics Area with truly affordable prices so everyone can access them.

    Feel free to visit us at our Showroom, where you can try our line of equipment for your Beauty Spa business.


    Convierte en tu meta iniciar o mejorar un Area para Estetica en tu Salon.

    Que estas esperando para comenzar a ganar dinero?  

    Incluye una pequena area, buena luz, musica suave, una camilla y unas cuantas maquinas y comienza a realizar Faciales, Microdermabrasion, Presoterapia, Masajes, Ultrasonido, Peeling anti-edad, Depilacion, Tratamientos para perdida de peso, Anticeluliticos, Gimnasia Pasiva,etc. En este momento la gama de opciones, tecnicas y tratamientos es muy extensa. Tu clientela estara fascinada y tu con tus ganancias tambien.

    Todo el dinero que inviertas en la compra de las maquinas, sera rapidamente recuperado luego de unas cuantas clientes y unas cuantas sesiones. Organiza tus propios paquetes de tratamientos de acuerdo al interes de tu clientela, rapidamente tendras que organizar un horario de trabajo, ya que esta area de estetica tiene mucha demanda en estos momentos.

    Que hombre o mujer sin importar la edad que tenga se puede resistir a verse y sentirse mejor, con el dinero invertido en su propia persona, dandole seguridad y confianza en si mismo, clave para el exito.Ya sabes asi como tu te veas te veran los demas...

    Aqui en Blason Spa Equipment, tenemos todo lo que necesitas para comenzar a desarrollar o ampliar tu Area de Estetica y con precios verdaderamente solidarios para que todos puedan acceder a ellos.


    Cuenta con nuestro apoyo, tanto en servicio, repuestos, o seminarios ensenandote tecnicas nuevas (o viejas) y como aprender a usar nuestros equipos, siempre a la vanguardia con las ultimas innovaciones si asi lo necesitas.

    No dudes en llamarnos o visitarnos en nuestro Showroom en Miami, donde te mostraremos todas las alternativas a bajos precios y con la mejor atencion personalizada ahhh!!! y lo mejor sin pagar extras por comisiones a vendedores, ni tener que esperar a que lleguen los Equipos porque somos Importadores Directos. Hacemos valer tu garantia y despues de vencida, seguimos ofreciendote cualquier repuesto que necesites inmediatamente y a un bajo costo.

    Exportamos equipos, muebles y aparatos para Salones, Spas, Cosmeticas, Salones de Estetica, Peluquerias y Escuelas para: Todo Estados Unidos, Centro America, Sur America y El Caribe, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Salvador, Dominicana, Jamaica, Peru, Venezuela


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